2. Nostalgia Championship

New Tournament – Eberhard Winkler Memorial Tournament

Dear chess friends,

after the great success of the 1. Nostalgia Championship we want to repeat this tournament and hope for great participation. It is open to all chess fans, including non-members of CCI. We organize it in memory of our long-time member Eberhard Winkler, who sadly passed away at the beginning of March.

The point is to play correspondence chess without computer support like on the board. As is customary in near chess in the club.
The train can be transmitted either by post or by e-mail. The players communicate with each other about the train transmission. It is used in the same system as the 1. Nostalgia championship played. The time to consider is 30 days for 10 trains. Please register with a full address to the tournament director Reinhard Wolfram.

Registration deadline: 31.07.2020
Tournament start: 01.09.2020
Tournament Leader: Reinhard Wolfram