From Newsletter No. 38

Dear CCI friends!

In the last circular we announced that Siegfried Müller would like to give up the regular calculation of the rating figures. Fortunately, there are interested parties, and so we can now announce that our chess friend Michael Höber will take over this important and responsible activity from the beginning of 2020. At this point we would like to thank Siegfried warmly for his long-standing reliable exercise and at the same time wish Michael much joy and skill in the continuation.

At the beginning of September we had the 29th CCI meeting in Bebra. We would like to continue this beautiful tradition and organize a meeting in 2020. We are aware that the number of participants has steadily decreased in recent years for health reasons and we cannot expect more participants in the future. Nevertheless, we are continuing to try! Fewer participants require less effort. Therefore, the 2020 meeting can be planned and organised at relatively short notice. If you have an idea for the location and time period of the meeting, please contact the board.

For some time now, we have been working on the idea of creating a website for CCI. Although we have been without us for years, some may object, but the future belongs to this medium. The Board of Management sees as a major advantage that CCI will become better known in the correspondence chess world. With our chess friend Gero Marten we have a very competent connoisseur in our ranks. He has already worked out a possible structure. However, we still have to fill the page with content. The project therefore requires some work and time. We will report further in the next Circular No. 39 in March 2020.

For current reasons, we ask that requests from the Board of Directors to individual members are not simply ignored. We also see it as an expression of recognition when we get an answer.

We wish you and your loved ones a happy, contemplative celebration, a happy new year and happiness and health for 2020!