Encounters in Correspondence Chess

Since the beginning of 2019, the newspaper for friends of correspondence chess has been a medium that is already subscribed to by a number of CCI friends. The newspaper is published 4 times a year and is published by our chess friend Alfred Stummerer from Vienna with the cooperation of Kirsten Dorn (Leipzig) and Frank Helm (Molauer Land).

The special concern of the editorial staff is to maintain and maintain our beautiful hobby of correspondence chess in its conventional form (keyword nostalgia tournaments).
The newspaper offers a colorful bouquet of different contents. So it’s not just about chess or correspondence chess, but there are interesting experiences and contributions around the 64 black-and-white fields.

We are always pleased to see that CCI friends are involved in various contributions, including letters from readers. All those who do not know the newspaper so far should have a sample copy of Alfred come.
Alfred is currently looking for four chess friends who would take part in a comparison with the US-FS-Verein ConradChess.

The comparison starts on February 1, 2020, the time of thought is 10 moves in 30 days, only one game per participant will be played by e-mail.

Please send messages directly to Alfred, address see address.